Sunday, November 7, 2010

November Hiatus

Hi folks. The Adjusters is on hiatus for November. I apologize profusely for not warning you in advance, and beg your indulgence.

(Why, you may ask? First, NaNoWriMo is on, and that is sucking up my writing time. Second, because I'm contemplating moving this blog back to ASSTR for I'm starting to greatly dislike WordPress BlogSpot. It's fine when posting straight text, but annotated text or text where you want precise control over the layout, bleh. I'll play with it some more, but I may redirect you all back there before the end of the month. Stay tuned.)

Back to The Adjusters. Book I is over: Daniel & Jennifer are engaged, and Serena found Marjorie, although there was a steep price to pay for it. And now we're about to jump into Book II -- The Greek Fiasco -- where most of the balls tossed in the air in Book I are going to come crashing down. Looks like a solid 12 chapters at least for that part of the story, about six of which are already written.


  1. Nooooo! not another month :(
    I love the way you wrote the first 7 chapters. when it was still from Daniel's point of view and other potential victim, it gives a sense of mystery and realism. Once it started on the doctor or the delta etc. explaining too much on the conditioning makes it lose it's realism. still love the stories tho'. keep it up!

  2. Thanks for the feedback, and glad you're enjoying.

    I wasn't sure I could hold the mystery for much longer without it sounding too forced. On the other hand, as you'll see, I just peeled off one of many layers.
