Monday, July 2, 2012

New Story: The Adjusters #30

After a small flu-induced delay, here is July's installment of The Adjusters, “Aftermath”, wherein the consequences of the events at the Delta Iota Kappa fraternity house are examined.

As usual, comments welcome.

I'll also remind you that we have a Speculation Thread available for discussion. (A thread which I read but do not comment on.)

The Adjusters #30 - Aftermath

"This morning, North Alexandria Interim Police Chief Flaherty gave a press conference detailing the results of their investigation of the explosion and fire that destroyed the Delta Iota Kappa fraternity house on Fraternity Row."

Daniel looked up towards the television hanging high on the ceiling of the university dining hall, the same hall where he and Jenn and Serena and Radhu had shared many a meal, a lifetime ago. Was it masochism, or a return to a safe environment? He wanted to feel the presence of people around him, but at the same time was repelled by the thought of interacting with anyone. He sat alone at his table, a sandwich half eaten in front of him. The lunch crowd had thinned noticeably.

Jenn. Serena. Radhu. Gone, all of them. The Three Musketeers they were no longer. Serena had been caught in the fire at the frat house. Radhu had been found dead in his apartment--Daniel still could not believe it--heart attack, he had been told, and no evidence of foul play. And then Cindy. Her body had been identified in the burnt-out husk of his apartment, one more victim of the several fires that had ravaged the city.

Continue reading...


  1. The furniture is dustfree, the walls are somewhat white again and the floor is not so dirty anymore, so your spring cleaning was some success. :)

    Though, with all the changes in setting and antagonists, it feels a bit like you burned down the house instead. (pun intended)

    No surprises and no speculations above what I have already done. Let's see where the story goes next book, first.

    Nice touch with the 'Charlie and the Chancellor' story. Read it on emcsa and liked it but up until today, I didn't make the connection. Are you going to continue it at sometime or do you keep it as it is as a story device for 'The adjusters'?


    1. I have disinfected rather thoroughly, yes. Too much? Time will tell. It should make a good story either way.

      RE: Charlie — I haven't quite decided yet...
