Friday, May 3, 2013

New Story: The Adjusters #40

(Sorry for the delay folks. My internet decided to go on the fritz this week. It seems to be limping along now, so I'll take advantage of it to post.)

Here is May's installment of The Adjusters, “Charlie and the Convent of Oblivion (II)”, wherein we conclude the story that Jennifer Hansen wrote about her time since the infamous DIK-Bash.

As usual, comments welcome.

I'll also remind you that we have a Speculation Thread available for general discussion. (A thread which I read but do not comment on.)

The Adjusters #40 - Charlie and Convent of Oblivion (II)

Story by J. Dumas. First appeared in Flights of Erotic Fantasy
Magazine, Vol. 13, Nos. 7-8.


Help me. Those words, mouthed by a briefly clear-eyed Charlie,
distressed Sarah of Charnia, keeping her company throughout the day
and invading her dreams at night. That the plea came after Sarah had
experienced an almost mystical experience at the hands and tongue of
the beautiful dark-haired young woman cemented the poignancy that
suffused Charlie's supplication. For Sarah carried the memory of her
time with Charlie like a treasured gem in her heart, unwilling to face
the meaning of her actions and associated emotions, but relishing the
pleasure she had experienced.

Sarah did not entirely succeed in camouflaging her troubled mind, but
Gertrude, who kept a sharp eye on the other novices, mistook Sarah's
agitation for the emotional charge of the young woman's first lesbian

Gertrude, always on the lookout for new novices to bring under her
wings and guide and control--for they provided a small but
non-negligible foothold of power within the Covenant--was more than
willing to use Charlie as the temptation with which to ensnare
Sarah. And if temptation did not suffice, Gertrude determined,
blackmail would be an equally effective mean of persuasion.

During the day, whenever Gertrude was busy, Sarah would sneak a peek
at Charlie, who remained locked in her draught-induced sleep, and
would remember how those fingers and those lips and those breasts felt
on her body, the memories never failing to send delicious tingles to
her pussy.

Continue reading...

Next month: “The Craven-Wilford Institute”.


  1. Interesting, was this some guy that really knew Jen? Did she really killed him?

  2. In her story, he abused her and took advantage of her situation and he was about to disfigure Sarah. As a warrior, She killed him and the others that had been abusing her as she escaped. Last night I read episode 40 then went back and read the piece as a whole. I believe she, Charlie/Jenn thinks biff is dead and this is her way of telling everyone she knows or suspects that he is dead because of whats happening to her, Biffs left over surprise. BT3, I applaud you on this piece. I believe it probably was one of the hardest episode of the series. To be able to tell a story through the eyes of one of the characters through another story is nothing short of amazing. I am so glad I found your works and am in awe of your talent.

  3. not sure how much i like this overall Charlie story, but its not bad. Trying to see where it fits into the whole picture. Wonder who Sara will be in the end.

    @ Judd: I thought Biff was the Count of Rochefort in the first Charlie story. But I could be wrong.

    Its more interesting seeing the title of the prologue of the next book: Craven-Wilford Institute. Could that be some sort of mental health/sanitarium when Jenn was and someone was taking advantage of her and now she is on the run again?

  4. Count of Rochefort was Biff in the first story. However I think in Charlies world the dude she killed was a Biff like character to her. Maybe maybe not. only BT3 knows for sure.

  5. danny123

    I like the pacing of this installment. It would appear our Jen escaped wherever she was at and now has an ally with her. The other item I noted was that Jenn may have also found something to counteract her cravings to a degree. It would also appear that she realizes that Daniel has survived. I wonder if the killing of di Viroli, as stated by another reader, was her way of acknowledging that she knew Biff was dead. It may have given her some comfort in play acting that she had been the one that killed him. I am sure she had wanted to harm Biff many times while she was with him. The Gertrude person is somewhat puzzling me. I am thinking that this was a person in charge of where she had been staying and there may have been a scuffle during her escape and that person had been injured.

    If Daniel was smart he may want to see if there were any disturbances in a runaway shelter where individuals were injured and several people were missing. Not that Jenn left any clue as to where she was going. The only option would be to have Cindy send a message from Oliver to ask her whereabouts. Now on to Book IV.

  6. For my self, The first of the month cannot get here fast enough. I am so looking forward to Book 4 and beyond. Tick Tock, Tick Tock

  7. Thanks for the comments, folks. As I said, I need to digest them a bit before responding. But overall, better received than I feared it might have been.

  8. I am a huge fan of the story and can't seem to get enough of it. Is that a good thing or a bad thing lol

    I felt compelled to set up the following blog on tumblr.

    If it offends I will take it down.

    1. Glad you're a fan—and as far as not being to get enough of the story, I'm not sure if it's a good thing or not. I may not be the best person to ask, since I write the bloody thing.

      As far as the site is concerned... wow. I actually don't know what to say. Neat idea. (Although I had to point to to get the actual page.)

      And no, it doesn't offend me at all. But somehow, I find it... disturbing. It's like seeing a weird distorted vision of something that until now has only been in my head.

      By the way, we had a poll a long time ago about who we could see playing the various characters of the story (at least, in Book I). You might find the thread interesting:
