Friday, August 2, 2013

New Story: The Adjusters #43

Here is August's installment of The Adjusters, “Sanderson's Initiation”, wherein Sanderson learns about an entrepreneurial venture of Gutierrez.

As usual, comments welcome.

I'll also remind you that we have a Speculation Thread available for general discussion. (A thread which I read but do not comment on.)

The Adjusters #43 - Sanderson's Initiation

Sanderson worked three Saturdays and two Sundays every month. Not that it bothered him that much—he was still getting his bearings in the city, and did not have much of a social life. Like many people upon graduating and moving to a new area of the country where they knew no one, he was having difficulties creating a social circle. Making new friends from scratch was painful, especially without the socially-oriented college culture he had relied on for the previous half-decade. Everyone he knew worked at the Institute, and he did not feel close enough to his colleagues to hang out with them outside of work beyond the odd outing for drinks after work on Fridays. He had not asked Beatrice out either; their schedules did not match, and except for meeting up for lunch in the Institute’s cafeteria twice a month when their shifts overlapped in just the right way, he hardly saw her.

Not that he had much time to ponder his social and love life. He was kept busy, with most his time split between learning the rhythm of both the Institute and Blue Ward and getting to know the patients.

For the Blue Ward patients were unlike any he had ever encountered throughout his studies; they required individual attention to a degree that rivaled the schizophrenics with whom he had trained. He had never run across patients quite like them in case studies or the literature either. The nurses on the ward had confirmed what Doctor Dante had told him—and what his own cursory medical literature exploration had underlined—that these cases in Blue Ward were unique.

Continue reading...

Next month: “Awash”.


  1. Again, this one's revisions were done a bit faster than I would have liked. So if you catch any typos or ungrammatical sentences, or just anything weird, drop a comment or an email, and I'll fix.

    For now: nap time.

  2. Strange that none of the girls explained what happened to them or told the story of encounter with special.

  3. danny 123

    Loved this installment. Need to re-read it. Seems to go back to the earlier style that I loved so much. Is Mouse the new "Kyra"? Will have more later.

  4. This was another great chapter in book 4 but i have been wondering is this entire book the Charlie and the Convenent in real time and sadly there is no Jenn in this chapter besides Sanderson thinking about her. It is intresting to see the different personalites of all the victims. Cassandra dominate like Serena, Mouse submissive like Kyra, Allison the cock hungry whore, and Sherri the child like slut.

  5. i was thinking the same thing. If it follows the charlie story then it's gotta be Jenn

  6. Thanks for the feedback, folks.

    Sorry I couldn't get Jenn into this one. Until she "wakes up", it's a bit difficult to use her as a protagonist. I pulled that off in #43, but I don't think I can repeat that twice.

    As far as the relationship with The Convent of Oblivion, well, that's an interesting question.

  7. Interesting chapter. The girls and their different personalities seem fun to watch and listen too. Do miss jenn. Will be interesting to see what happens to the girls and who helps jenn escapes.


  8. By the "reference to the specials in this chapter", you mean the flashback on Sherri, right?

  9. danny123 -

    I see this chapter as the introduction of Sanderson and his involvement in Jenn’s journey. Given that the entire installment was devoted to him, I believe he will become a major character in the remaining installments of this book and it would not surprise me if he turns into a major player in the next book. I am also taking it that the next installment is where Sanderson develops deep feelings for Jenn and aids her escape. The ending of this installment indicates that Jenn is waiting for him and that is how Gutierrez plans to control him.

    I also like this installment because we get to see more of the women that the specials have infected. It is a nice contrast between the DIK girls. While the DIK girls are triggered, these ladies are always on. I admit that it has crossed my mind on how the DIK girls are handling their stay at ADCorp. Given that none, except Trish have the ability to remember anything while activated. Also that their programming is not geared to being on all the time. (I would dearly love to see how the writer deals with this, if he so decides, as he has never disappointed me, yet.)

    Thanks for including the little bit on how Sherri became the way she became. Those side stories , to me, are always interesting.

    Waiting to see what the next chapter brings in twists and turns.
