Monday, May 4, 2015

Update on the Adjusters #60

Still here, still alive, still writing. Putting the finishing touches to #60 — one last scene to clean up. No clue how this one's turning out. I'm way too close to it at the moment.

It's still going to be a few days though. So in the meantime, keep yourself entertained with the following stories which held my attention in April.

Update: Here are the links. Both involve a future reality where bad things happen, for lack of a better term.

Why I Love My Job by HandsInTheDark: “I capture a new secretary and teach her the rules.” Some nice dark ideas and scenes, especially when it comes to the sort of addictive drugs that are developed by The Company. The sort of thing I wish I had thought of...

Secrets of the New World Order by Bjmichaels: “Open your eyes people! This is happening now!” Not as dark as the above, or at least, not as cynically dark as the above. Probably because the initial main character is such an idiot that he makes you want to root for the ideology that he's clearly a strawman for. But if you manage to overlook that bit, there are some nice ideas in there, sharing a lot with the SelectaCorp world, except more, shall we say, gender equitable.


  1. I think literotica is back up now. Going to update with the links?

  2. thank you for the histories...

  3. You should have a "Donate" option in the blog.

  4. Thanks y'all. I think I'd feel weird having a 'donate' button, but I definitely appreciate the sentiment, and may actually consider that idea in the future.
