Sunday, November 15, 2015

Update #2

Okay, this is getting ridiculous. I mean, I have one stupid scene to write. One stupid scene. Maybe, what? 2000 words? Something that even at a slow pace I'd knock off in four days. (A slow writing day is about 500 net words.) Yet, I'm stuck. If I didn't know any better, I'd swear I'm having writer's block. Which is silly. This ain't no War and Peace. It's smut!

The Adjusters #63 is coming, believe you me. And then I'll have my full head to get to your comments over the last few weeks.

In the meantime, I ran across an oldie on Leviticus' website. Dark Pen's Office Games. No description, basically the story of Brad, a programmer who writes BDSM smut in his spare time, and what happens when he discovers that one of his hot young co-workers masturbates to his stories without knowing that he was the one writing them. Hijinks ensue.


  1. And on The Adjusters page of yout blog, book V is still 'in progress' ...

  2. Take your time, the wait is ALWAYS well worth it......

  3. Bulgroz, here's something you might enjoy. Netflix's new show, Jessica Jones, is about a cat and mouse struggle between a female private investigator and a mysterious mind controller who's able to want what he wants. It's not adult content, but the depiction of mind control in the show might be of interest to you.

  4. It's not the first time this has happened. I wouldn't call the search parties yet.

  5. It might not be War & Peace, but there is a lot of construction in the story with parts meshing together as it develops - writer's block is acceptable because you want these things to come together smoothly without having to rewrite previous chapters. Maybe it's an idea to take a break from this story when this chapter is done? You can keep working on the structure/plot, but maybe work on some one-shot stories where you can just enjoy the writing without all the long term planning issues

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Ah. Just realized I never got back to you folks. My bad.

    Yes, I loved Jessica Jones. For all sorts of obvious reasons. But one of them is that I enjoyed the original Marvel run (Alias, I think it was called.) The bits with the Purple Man were simply _tantalizing_ in that one. It made me crave seeing what was happening between the panels.

    @Anonymous — regarding taking a break. Not a bad idea. Probably not going to do it, but not a bad idea at all. And yes, some of the struggle definitely comes with trying to nail the structure. I've been spending the last couple of months making sure I know how the rest of the story lines up, and it's been making me feel a bit better. Time will tell.
