Wednesday, March 16, 2016


The Adjusters #65 is getting delayed a bit because I'm rewriting a scene — I wasn't happy with how it was flowing, and I'm not sure it quite fit psychologically. (Yeah, I worry about those things...) But I think I have a fix for it, which should make it not only better but also easier for the story to segue into the next books.

In the mean time, have a look at Ashley's Campaign by Loerics: “How far will Ashley go to beat her rival?” Some nice scenes in the first five chapters, but things really kick off in chapter 6, where it turns dark quickly.

Ebook-wise, I've enjoyed Kirsten McCurran's series Hot Dates: Becoming a Shared Wife, and Hot Dates 2: Living as a Shared Wife. Well written, and nice ramp up of the heat and the sex. It's up there with the good stuff in shared-wife smut land.


  1. I suppose good things come to those who wait, though this comment

    "I do have something in mind for pretty Cindy"

    ...has me eagerly awaiting the next installments. Can't wait but Ashley's campaign looks quite promising.

    To your health and may your mind and fingers overflow with smut.

  2. Any chance for an update? My F5 button is melting.

  3. Sincerely hope everything is OK at your side. It's been 3 three weeks since the last update. Start getting worried.
