Monday, August 6, 2012

A Handful of Random Stories

Writing Journal: Over the weekend, I figured out what was bugging me in Book III of The Adjusters. I have written three episodes (starting on the fourth) but there has always been something missing. I finally figured out what it was, and will work on adding the missing piece in. Which is nice because it also helped me understand the theme of Book III, something else that was eluding me. I think I have it now. Phew. Because it's just three weeks to the first installment. (If I remember, once Book III is out, I'll come back and tell you what it was that was missing.)

I'm about to travel for a week or so for summer vacation, so this blog will be quiet until I get back. Then again, it's been pretty quiet over the summer, so that will not be a huge change!

I try hard to focus exclusively on smut here, but but once in a while... Last night I was glued to the NASA live feed, catching the landing of Curiosity on Mars. And then this morning, this amazing image was making the rounds.

Onward with the more mundane, if more sensual, stuff. I've got a selection of stories that I ran across over the past two weeks that you might find interesting.

By Goldeniangel, the story Office Play: “Attracted to her boss, Diane gets a surprise.” Not a lot of time wasted on characterization and details irrelevant to the sex, and some nice twists to the old story of a girl that finds her boss irresistible for some reason, and the boss that turns her into his little BDSM plaything.

By Not My Story, we have A Husband's Mistake, A Wife's Nightmare. No description given, but the title says it all, without actually saying what it is. And it's complicated. It's the story of a wife that finds she enjoys cybersex, and a husband that is at first bothered by it, but eventually decides to try and bring the man she was playing with online into their little sexual world. Except that man has other plans... A nicely written story, with some very hot scenes. Note that the link above has only the first eight chapters. As far as I can tell, there are two more out there, which you can find in the version of the story at Djian Understories.

Next up, by Xleglover, we have Husband's Fantasy Backfires: “Husband wants his wife to be like her divorced friend.” Your typical husband-pushing-his-wife-to-cheat story, with some rather negative outcomes for everyone concerned. Aside from the hotness, the psychology is not entirely naive, which one can appreciate. If you like that story, check out Xleglover's complete oeuvre.

Finally, another one by Goldeniangel, Contest: “Friends compete to be more sexually open.” Some rather twisted ideas in that one, where two friends, as the title says, enter a competition judged by one of their male friends, who designs a series of challenges for each to overcome and be crowned the winner. Although I find it interesting that the one challenge I would have loved to see play out is the one challenge that gets passed over. Damn!

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