Wednesday, August 22, 2012

A Mind-Control Story for Today

Writing Journal: I'm not crazy about Book III of The Adjusters. I knew I was taking a risk, but it's just not gelling for me. Which sucks. The problem is I don't know if it's because I need a break from the storyline, or because there's really something wrong with it. For all I know, I'm just overly critical because, hey, I'm me. Of course, the book's not finished yet, and there's work I need to do over what's already been written... At least it's not a long book. You might have to be patient with it, as will I.

On top of the above, I'm grumpy. Yahoo is bumming me out. That's what I use as my email for my Bulgroz persona, and they've now taken to asking me for a mobile number for verification. Now, I'm as much a geek as the next person, and I totally understand why they do it and how important your email account is for online identity and yaddi yaddi yadda, but I'm just not crazy about my mobile number being out there.

I fear I'm turning into a cranky cynical old man. Next up: buying a cane and practicing screaming at kids on my lawn. Great...

Don't mind me, I'm just in that sort of mood. The “life sucks” mood. The “life sucks even though I can't really point to anything seriously wrong” mood. The “I so fuckin' thought I'd never feel this way again after leaving teenage-land” mood.

Thankfully, smut always calms me down. Here's an interesting mind-control story I ran across a few days ago, The Curse of Inanna, by Grandflasher C: “Hot blonde is bound by an ancient, magical ring.” The usual Literotica Zen-like synoptic succintness nonwithstanding, the story takes a couple of chapters before getting into gear, but when it does, there's some nice sex and an actually worthwhile storyline lurking. I love characters that are affected in such a way that they get turned on against their will and submit to their wild inner impulses. Oh, and the author has a couple of other good stories too—you should check them out.


  1. Gmail started asking for the mobile number some time ago, over a year I think, but I just keep clicking "Skip" since I have the same concerns as you about my privacy. I mean I have no problem using my name and last name, but that's as far as I go.

    1. I noticed that too about GMail. But the Yahoo verification is not skippable, which irks me. (I think it was triggered by one my attempts at accessing my account from somewhere else than I usually access it, but I can't confirm.)
