Wednesday, August 1, 2012

New Story: The Adjusters #31

Here is August's installment of The Adjusters, “Charlie and the Chancellor's Plot”, wherein we get a first glimpse at Jennifer Hansen's fiction.

As usual, comments welcome.

I'll also remind you that we have a Speculation Thread available for general discussion. (A thread which I read but do not comment on.)

The Adjusters #31 - Charlie and the Chancellor's Plot

Story by J. Dumas. First appeared in Flights of Erotic Fantasy
Magazine, Vol. 12, No. 5.


It was year four hundred and sixteen of the Renascence Era, a full
forty one years since the Great Darkness War, and thirty five years
into the reign of King Altobar the First, Wise Ruler and Hero of the
War. The land had been at peace for much of that time, the King having
dispatched the last persisting remnants of Darkness from the realm
with an alacrity that had bordered on earnestness. But rumors of a new
peril had started to seep the kingdom, a peril more pernicious than
invading armies of soulless undead.

And so it was that the Royal Guard--valiant knights having reached the
pinnacle of valor and nobility, and granted the privilege of serving
the person of the King--was on high alert, had been for the past
several months, acting as shields and enforcers in an attempt to
protect the King against the rumored plot to eliminate him and his
family and take control of the crown and thus the kingdom. King
Altobar the First was unconcerned, as threats against his person were
not infrequent, and ordered that the castle maintain its joyous and
festive atmosphere, if only because it pleased his sole daughter,
Princess Helena.

Continue reading...

Next month: “A Wedding and an Orientation”.


  1. I realize some of you have already read this story on the EMCSA. Think of it as taking the place of the one-month hiatus I take between the "books" of the series. We'll be back next month as scheduled.

  2. Huh, i hoped to see some closure for Jen here, sad :)

  3. I am a bit disappointed but I forgive you. ;)

    Have a nice "vacation". See you in a month.


  4. Would love for more of this story-within-a-story!

    1. That's the plan, although we'll see if I can pull it off...
