Sunday, August 16, 2015

New Story: The Adjusters #61

(I refuse to accept it's already mid-August. So I shan't. Therefore, this is not late. There.)

Here is August's installment of The Adjusters and the beginning of Book VI, “A Warning for Daniel Malcolm", wherein a new ADCorp assignment calls our hero.

As usual, comments welcome.

I'll also remind you that we have a Speculation Thread available for general discussion. (A thread which I read but do not comment on.)

The Adjusters #61 - A Warning for Daniel Malcolm

“So tell me, Mister Malcolm—Daniel—how are you adjusting?”

Daniel Malcolm gave Elizabeth Parkinson—Please, call me Betty—a long look, wondering how exactly to answer that question.

He could answer it at face value, given that he was speaking to his main HR contact at ADCorp, his employer: I’m doing okay, I guess. I mean, there’s a lot to learn, and I’m spending most of my time continuing my training and learning the ropes, but I’ve been on a couple of assignments already where we went and nabbed a bad guy and I guess I feel pretty good about it, even though I’ve still got a lot of questions about what we do but I’ve come to understand that it’s a bad idea to ask such questions out loud. I did have a few questions about the benefits package and about floating holidays, though.

Or he could perhaps try to be more frank about what he was feeling: Well, to be entirely honest, Betty, I’m not doing so good. In fact, one might argue with some validity that I’m sinking slowly but surely into a depression. And I don’t care. You’ve got to understand, and I don’t know how much that file you have on your desk tells you about these things, but I’m going through a pretty rough patch.

Maybe he should go into the actual details, just so that he could see her face change, see that arguably beautiful smile fade away slowly. Do you want to hear about my last year at Darnell, where I found out that a bunch of dicks from a frat were messing with girls’ heads to turn them into sex dolls? Do you want to hear about that asshole from said frat who snatched Jenn, my fiancĂ©e, and turned her into a fucking slut and sent her out into the world, desperate for cock? Do you want to hear how I got this job, with Agent Shawbank offering it to me after I’m pretty sure she got rid of the man that had given the mind-fuck tech to those frat boys, Thaddeus Cargyle, the one man that might have had the key to undoing what had been done to Jenn? Do you want to hear about how I met up with this guy Sam O’Neill who’s a private investigator and told me that he would look for Jenn in exchange for me accepting ADCorp’s job offer and spying on this company for him? Do you want to hear why I accepted—because he told me that Cargyle had worked for ADCorp, and I believed him, and nothing I’ve seen until now makes me doubt his word? Is that what you would like to hear, Betty?

Continue reading...

Next month: Title TBD....


  1. Wonder if Calypso is still being banged by that guy who had note with codes... There were some really interesting modes there, shame Daniel use only boring ones with her. Hope things will pick up for him.

  2. From danny123

    First some suggestive corrections:

    My page 6 – “He was already feeling bad enough Calypso.”
    “feeling bad enough about…..”

    My page 7 – “Enforcement Division, nodded to the security guards in lobby…”
    “nodded to the security guards in the….”

    My page 10 = “Brisecoeur was still frowning, and tilted his head toward Daniel with hi eyes…”
    “tilted his head toward Daniel with his….”

    My page 11 – “First off,” added Brisecoeur, “she’s Belgian, not french.”
    “she’s Belgian, not French.”

    My page 28 – “for Dolce helped, as weird as it was, because she looked less like her friend…”
    “she looked less like his….”

    My page 31 – “because Dolce was a whore, and she did was her john wanted.”
    “she did what….”

  3. From danny123

    Nice ploy of using the human resources department to re-cap what has been happening to Daniel in the last few months. It does not hurt Daniel’s cause to befriend Brisecoeur. I admit that I am most curious to find out who Paul is. He seems to be in a high position as he is able to get his hands on videos and knows what kind of surveillance Daniel is under. It seems Daniel is only just beginning to understand what undercover work is all about. The last thing you want to do is seem very different from the people around you. Yet he must shine to the point that he is granted more and more access to highly classified material. Of course we do not know how Paul may influence this access. If he comes across as too moralistic the corporation would be forced to eliminate him. This is to me what is going to be the most interesting, how Daniel will adapt to this conflict of his morals to his desire to do whatever he has to find Jenn. My greatest curiosity of this story is to find out what kind of people Daniel and Jenn turn into at the end.

  4. What happened to 59 and 60
