Wednesday, February 16, 2011

All Things to All People

Well, look at that. The Adjusters #18 is undergoing prokaryotic meiosis, near as I can tell. Fascinating.

It is just getting too long. I'm halfway in, and I'm already hitting 8000 words. If I don't want it to be a 16000 words monstrosity (which I don't), I'm turning it into #18 and #19. Whee. Oh, and I did manage to work in at least one reader's (Anonymous) suggestion. Now I just need to finish editing #14. One scene to rewrite because it's sitting there, in the middle of the episode, sucking hard.

To stay with the biology theme, I ran into an interesting MC story a few weeks ago, written a couple of years back, taking a somewhat cliched premise -- lab worker has an accident, and either becomes Flash or a nymphomaniac -- and building an actual story around it. Have a look. It's by dweaver999, All Things to All People: "Lab accident turns Cynthia into a sex maniac." Short and sweet, like all Literotica synopses.

Dweaver999 has a bunch of other stories with more sci-fi-ish themes that I have not read yet, but may be worth it. I tend not to like sci-fi smut too much, probably because alien sex does not do that much for me. Or maybe it's just that I haven't found the right stories. If you have any favorites, post a link in the comments. I'll happily have a look.


  1. This is a really good sci fi universe, some of the stories are much better than others, but most of them are, if not great, okay.

  2. The Thinking Horndog (love the 'nym) -- I remember liking the idea of his long series The Pact. Cool, I'll check out The Swarm, then. Thanks for the pointer.
