Thursday, October 27, 2011

A Few Random Stories

Writer's Journal: Today, I finished nailing the big plot point in The Adjusters #25, which might even turn out pretty good, and almost justifies this whole week. Now, I just have to write the sex scene for #25. And I think I found a way to make it progress the plot as well, though it is somewhat dark, which its own kind of kinky.

Not much to report this midweek, so let me just point out a few stories to you good folks.

Partly in preparation to brainstorm for that story about time travel that's been banging in the back of my mind, I've been reading Shrink42's Banner Year: “His values, his beliefs, his attitudes, and his skills had been developed since a young age, through many experiences - some unique, some thrilling, some terrifying. There came a time when he had to evaluate them all and depend on them all as never before.” I remember reading maybe half this story way back when, and it still holds up quite well the second time around. The first dozen chapter read particularly well for this kind of story, and both the psychology and the sex is pretty interesting. There's a lot in there that I want to use as inspiration.

Now, interestingly, there are a few darker scenes in that story (I won't spoil them for you), but they're played completely straight—they are meant to be read as something horrible as opposed to something arousing. I go back and forth on that sort of stuff myself: do I write my abuse scenes so that they're arousing from the perspective of the narrator, or so that they're a turn-off from the perspective of the narrator? For The Adjusters, I made the executive decision to treat everything as arousing from the narrator perspective. I call it indulging my inner sadist. For the time-travel story, though, I haven't decided yet. I don't even know if there's going to be any dark scenes.

Talking about dark scenes, I've run across Couture's Short Sale: “In a bad market, the terms of the contract change.” Utterly useless description, frankly. It's about a real-estate buying agent that ends up submitting to her boss. It's straight, to the point, and entirely effective.

Another story that is perhaps not very well written, but has a kick-ass premise that I'd love to see explored more competently is More Marie's Sarah and Her Sexy Personalities: “This is a story about a girl named Sarah and her sexy personalities. What started out as unexplained black outs turns out to be multiple personalities. Maggie is the very adventurous lesbian slut and Trisha is the very submissive sexually play thing. In an effort to understand what is happening to her Sarah seeks the help of a therapist who uses hypnotism to help cure her. All seem well until Sarah finds out that her ex has figured out a way to use this cure to turn her into a sex slut.” Come on, how can you resist such a description?

That's all I have for today. Have a great end of week everyone.